The IMAS are endorsed by the United Nations Inter-Agency Coordination Group on Mine Action (IACG-MA), and overseen and managed by the IMAS Steering Group (SG) and IMAS Review Board (RB).
Interagency Coordination Group on Mine Action
The highest level of endorsement of IMAS is at the United Nations Inter-Agency Coordination Group on Mine Action (IACG-MA). Endorsement of IMAS at this level is noted in the report of the Secretary-General on Assistance in mine action.
IMAS Steering Group
The IMAS SG is chaired by UNMAS and its membership includes the UNDP, UNOPS, UNICEF, the GICHD and two rotating members: the chair of the Mine Action Support Group donor forum and a national mine action authority (NMAA).
The IMAS SG provides executive guidance and oversight of all work undertaken by the RB. It is responsible for providing strategic direction and policy guidance to ensure the ongoing coherence and utility of IMAS in line with the evolving needs of the sector, as the global context changes. The main tool of the SG to achieve this is through its consideration and approval of the IMAS workplan.
View an archive of IMAS Steering group minutes here.
IMAS Review Board
The IMAS RB is chaired by UNMAS and is composed of 29 member organizations from across the mine action sector. Membership includes donor representatives, NMAAs, the United Nations, the GICHD, international non-governmental organizations, commercial companies, demining schools, the Mine Ban Treaty Implementation Support Unit and independent experts.
The RB gives the highest-level technical input to the IMAS framework, taking into account the evolving needs of the mine action sector. The RB also mandates RB members or Technical Working Groups (TWG) to develop IMAS, Technical Notes for Mine Action (TNMAs) and Test and Evaluation Protocols (T&EPs). The IMAS RB workplan provides an overview of the IMAS documents that the IMAS is creating or amending.
View an archive of IMAS Review board minutes here.
IMAS Secretariat
The GICHD is the Secretariat of the IMAS Steering Group and IMAS Review Board. The IMAS Secretary is also the webmaster of this website. The IMAS Secretary can be contacted at imas[at]